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Question: How do you call a man who does not know how to use a condom?
Answer: A father.
Trimisa de pe 04 februarie 2013 11:31
| 144 afisari
See this in english: Indeed
A class of girls take a written test with the subject:
Write a composition in a concise matter with the following three themes:
1) Religion
2) Sexuality
3) Mystery
Only one got maximum grade, A, with the text:
"God! I'm pregnant! With who?"
Trimisa de pe 30 ianuarie 2013 10:16
| 147 afisari
- Good day, five boxes of condoms, please!
- Yes, of course. Do you want a bag?
- No, really is a very nice girl ....
Trimisa de pe 20 septembrie 2011 00:00
| 943 afisari
If the mountain comes to you and you are not Mohammed ....< br />
Run !!!!.... is landslide!
Trimisa de pe 11 septembrie 2011 12:44
| 906 afisari